Microsoft Edge is a core component of Windows 10. If you are using Windows 10, then Edge will get automatically installed on your computer and it is set as your default Web browser. With the latest update of Windows 10, you can repair and reset the edge browser.
However, there is no direct option to uninstall edge browser for Windows 10 PC but with the help of Windows Powershell, you can remove it from the device.
Might be edge browser not perform well, gets stuck often, or might be you don’t want to use it on your computer. Here are some methods which will help you to deal with Microsoft Edge. You can Reinstall, Repair, or how to uninstall Microsoft edge browser according to your situation.
How to uninstall Microsoft edge Windows 10
You can uninstall edge browser for Windows 10 with the help of Windows Powershell.
On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and S, type Windows powershell and open it. Type in the following command: get-appxpackage *edge*
A detail location of Microsoft Edge will available on your screen. Copy the address next to PackageFullName
Now Type “remove-appxpackage” in the Powershell window. Press Spacebar button for space on your keyboard.
Then paste the address which you copy from next to the PackageFullName. Now press enter to execute the command. This will remove Microsoft edge browser from Windows.
How to reset Microsoft edge in Windows 10
Windows 10 comes up with great functionality, above you have learned how to uninstall Microsoft Edge, now you will see how you can repair or reset Edge browser with one click when your Microsoft edge not working.
Go to App Settings

Press Windows logo Key + S on your keyboard and search for Microsoft Edge. Right-click on it and select App Settings OR you can also directly go to Settings > Apps and Features > Microsoft Edge and click Advanced Click
You will see two options there Repair and Reset

Repair: If your Microsoft edge not working well, got hang or slow after some use then you can choose the repair Edge browser option from here.
Reset: If you want to install a fresh edge browser then you can use reset option, it will completely delete microsoft edge data history, bookmarks, cookies, settings, etc.
If you’re facing any other Microsoft Edge issues, then it is recommended to make other browsers (Chrome, Firefox) as your default one.